Adult Autism Assessments – FAQ and Schedule of fees

Adult Autism Assessment Schedule of Fees

Service DescriptionDurationCost
Free 15-minute phone consultation regarding the assessment and your needs.
15 minutesFree
Comprehensive Autism Assessment with full report and feedback. 1.5-2 hours$1800.00
Other Document preparation and completion (e.g., NDIS forms, Centrelink, Insurance)As required$230.00
The assessment report will be available after the full payment is received.

Additional Assessments (As required)

Types of Assessment DurationCost
Cognitive Assessments
Testing of intellectual ability such as Intellectual Disability or Giftedness. This includes a full report and feedback.
Depends on your needs$790.00
Additional assessments such an educational assessment (WIAT – III), ADHD assessment, and adaptive functioning assessment.As required$230.00 per additional assessment.
The assessment report will be available after the full payment is received.

Frequently asked questions

What is involved in an adult autism assessment?

The assessment typically involves a combination of interviews, questionnaires, and observations. It may cover developmental history, social interaction, communication skills, and behaviors. Tools specifically designed for adults, such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS), or the Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing Autism (MIGDAS-2) might be used.

Why seek an autism assessment as an adult?

There can be significant barriers in getting an autism assessment. The autistic community accepts self identification and some individuals prefer not to get a formal assessment and diagnosis. Reasons for people seeking an autism assessment and diagnosis include seeking a better understanding of oneself, accessing support and resources, explaining lifelong challenges, and personal validation.

Can I claim the cost of the autism assessment on Medicare or NDIS?

If you are 25 and under you may be eligible to claim a rebate on the cost of the autism assessment. Some NDIS plans cover an autism re-assessment, however you will need to check with NDIA or your plan manager first.

Can I do the assessment online?

The assessment can be done online. Once you have completed our intake form we will send you a link for a video call before the assessment. We acknowledge that an autism assessment can be very difficult. We have prepared a guide on how to prepare for an autism assessment online.

What if I’m not diagnosed with autism?

The assessment might identify other conditions that explain your experiences, or it may suggest that your traits do not meet the threshold for an autism diagnosis. Either outcome provides valuable insights and can guide you toward appropriate support.

Can autism be assessed and diagnosed in adults?

Yes, autism can be diagnosed at any age. Some adults seek an autism assessment due to lifelong difficulties. Such difficulties include co-occurring mental health conditions, self-harm, suicidality, anxiety, depression, social isolation, sensory issues, and difficulty fitting in. An assessment assessment can provide insights into one’s strengths and challenges, inform about support and intervention strategies, and validate experiences.

What are the traits and signs of autism in adults?

Signs can include difficulties with social interactions, challenges in communication, preference for routines, special interests that are intensely focused on, and sensory sensitivities.

How long will the assessment take?

The interview can vary, and it depends on your needs. It can usually take between 1.5 – 2 hours.  If a family member/friend/relative is involved in the process it may include additional interview time.

This however can vary as every person is unique in the type of assessment they require. Please let us know prior to the assessment whether you would like a family member or other informant interviewed as part of the assessment.

How do I prepare for an autism assessment?

Preparation may include gathering any relevant childhood development records, writing down specific challenges and concerns, and noting any questions you want to ask the assessor.

To make the assessment comfortable for you, please let us know if you have additional needs or preferences before the assessment.